The Top10 Things You Should Do If You Test Positive For Alpha1

  • Have A List Of Questions When You See a Doctor About Your Alpha1(If you try to remember the questions you want to ask you may forget half of them)
  • Learn To Breathe Effectively
  • Limit Or Eliminate Your Alcohol Consumption
  • Don't Be Afraid To Be Proactive About Your Alpha1
  • Get Plenty Of Rest(You will likely have a higher oxygenation level)
  • Avoid Sick People(You have a lower immune system than most people)
  • Drink Plenty Of Water
  • Eat Healthy/Avoid Processed Food(Carbonated beverages)
  • Start A Careful Exercise Program/Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program(Your muscles will become more efficient so they won't use as much oxygen and if you have surgery you will likely recover quicker as well)
  • Stop Smoking

Monday, March 17, 2008

Just an update

I made the appointment with the architect. It is so hard for me to fathom sometimes why some of us in the building industry are staying busy such as the architect and the company I work yet others like my former employer are forced to shut their doors. I am heartened to see many ads for employees wanted offering good benefits pkgs in this last Fridays papers. My former co-workers were told to start looking for a new job last Thursday Morning. Most of them have never worked anywhere else and have been there 25 yrs or better.

My vehicles have issues so I haven't been stopping before or after work to workout for fear they wouldn't start. The soonest I can get either one into a reputable mechanic is this Thursday.

I decided to go with a Rustic Pine wide plank toungue & groove flooring. I am having difficulty finding it locally but, have not gotten done contacting all the people I know that might know of somewhere under the radar that I could buy it. I just can't believe I can't get it locally. I did find it for $3.45 ft out of Maine. Hopefully in another month I can get that parcel of land I am interested in soil tested and see if it tests out for a holding tank. If it tests out for a mound system I'm running away as fast as I can!!

Last but, not least I probably won't be buying a J24 this year. If finances & time permit though....I will likely be racing at Wayzata Yacht Club w/ the Minnesota Womens Sailing Organization or the WYC( sunday races. A crew membership is much cheaper than slip rent(and here I thought Green Bay slip rent was outrageous!!). If you go to WYC website take the time to watch the first You Tube clip and then watch the clip titled "This Is Yacht Racing". That's what makes us crazy fools do it!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Where Have You Been???

I have been tired and grumpy. I just can't see a grouch being particularly inspirational! I can't seem to shake the tiredness but, maybe it is because of the house I live in. Limited insulation and a number of other offenders to my lungs. My computer has become incredibly slow. I need to surrender it to a guy at work to wipe the hard drive and reinstall everything. They tell me data miners have become very detrimental to the speed of computers in the last 2 years.

I am also trying to get everything in order so I can build a house this year. It's truly amazing how much an individual agonizes over what building materials they will use. Not to mention the layout!I need the blueprint so I can get bids and I need the bids to file for a construction loan and I want to do that before loan interest rates go any higher!

I am signed up for the Stepping Up To Wellness walk. My team name is: Affirmation Allies. If you would like to donate we will all appreciate it. I have 6 others commited to do the walk w/ me. I also expect to attend the Alpha1 Education day being held the day before in Oakbrook,IL. I'm very much looking froward to both!!

In the not too distant future I intend to add some links on the right side bar of this blog of foundations that provide financial assitance to those with medical bills for cancer, alpha1 and several other diseases as well. I also expect to put a new itinerary up for me this will be somewhat limited due to anticipation of working as the general contractor of the building of my future home.