I said I wouldn't post but, I had a bad nights sleep last night so, I took it easy tonight. It got real humid during the middle of the night and I woke up with difficulty breathing.
Anyway....Klondike Hill....I had never been able to find over off of hwy 48 by Rice Lake. I had my friend Steiner give me a ride over to pick up my truck. Along the way I talked about training for the Dairyland Dare. He said when he drove gas truck "We were told we weren't to go down Klondike Hill.". He then offered to show me where it was over off of 19th street by Bargain Bills. It's over a mile long. We figured there was a 4 mile square I could hill train on. I had discovered a hill I thought would be good to train on Sunday over by Canton on 23rd st. I may just have a fighting chance at having what it takes to complete the DD metric century!
Exhibit # 1
Exhibit #2
Nuff Said!!