The Top10 Things You Should Do If You Test Positive For Alpha1

  • Have A List Of Questions When You See a Doctor About Your Alpha1(If you try to remember the questions you want to ask you may forget half of them)
  • Learn To Breathe Effectively
  • Limit Or Eliminate Your Alcohol Consumption
  • Don't Be Afraid To Be Proactive About Your Alpha1
  • Get Plenty Of Rest(You will likely have a higher oxygenation level)
  • Avoid Sick People(You have a lower immune system than most people)
  • Drink Plenty Of Water
  • Eat Healthy/Avoid Processed Food(Carbonated beverages)
  • Start A Careful Exercise Program/Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program(Your muscles will become more efficient so they won't use as much oxygen and if you have surgery you will likely recover quicker as well)
  • Stop Smoking

Friday, March 30, 2012

Tool boxes, Compass's, Fishing Poles and Guitars

Reflecting can bring out to us the best things in life! Sometimes it helps us realise the best tools in life to help us cope with what life hands us. I'm reminded of something a friend once remarked "Nobody said it would be easy. They just said it would be worth it. So, grab on with both hands!". We all need to hang on for the ride.

My personal toolbox usually involves the outdoors. Taking long leisurely walks clears my head and rights my internal compass. I haven't fished in ten yrs. Last yr I grabbed my pole from the cabin and have yet to use it! I spoke to Joe "musky" Flater last night and I might try musky fishing sometime this summer.

I recently brought up to my POA /old piano teacher from college that I was thinking about my guitars and trying to start playing again. I explained I hadn't played in years. Her response was "You need to. It's good therapy and a stress reliever. I grew up listening to Glen Campbell and his recent announcement of retirement and farewell tour got me to thinking about my lonely acoustic guitars. She is is good medicine!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Advocacy & Humidity

Well, some think I'm crazy to want to create a 501c 3. Others think it makes perfect sense. Either way it is no longer a matter of if but, when. I've begun the process of laying the groundwork for future sponsorships for a bird hunt in Southern Wisconsin. At least two organizations associated with the alpha1 community have said they would be happy to receive any amount of funds we would make available to them.

It occurred to me at work today that humidity could be the main culprit causing me to tire before dark. My whole body has to work harder when it's humid out.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Going Into Quiet Mode

Being challenged health wise as far as my energy levels go. Doing a lot better but, still not satisfied with where I'm at. Got a lot on my mind. Wrestling with the whole lung transplant journey as a result of experiencing my sisters transplant journey. Plus, crop season is nipping at my heels! Followed by Special Olympics Bocce ball season and last but not least hosting a family reunion. Also, Special Olympics fundraising runs from May to September. Kind of just trying to maintain some equilibrium.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Something Came Up

I may not go to the NRA National Convention after all. A number of things have arisen....including a good female NRA counselor near Minneapolis.... which would save me money and spare me 2 vacation days! It would also give me evenings to do field work and save me searching for someone to care for my critters.

I added super B complex to my health supplements but, it's too soon to tell if it provides any benefit. Super tired tonight. I sorta wish I would have pursued the basic EMT training first but, hind sight is always 20/20!

Just edited my "about me" section and reread it. It really is up to us to help ourselves change our day to day outcome. I know I want to start using my exercise ball w/ simply doing stretches. Then I slowly add yoga and Pilates to my exercise regime.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Gardens, Gizmos & Moving Forward

Not as jazzed about gardening as in previous years but, digging out seed packets from last yr. Glad to see the rain making the snow disappear though! Can't blame my late start on the seed catalog companies for a change. All my fault.

I find myself using Facebook less and enjoying it. Actually, looking forward to being Facebook free Wednesday evening. I'm pretty sure my next phone will be an iPhone....too many problems with my droids.

Looking forward to attending the NRA convention provided I am able to attend the instructors classes at the convention. Wasn't the plan but, a wonderful opportunity to network! Way better class than previous ones offered. Kind of a mixed blessing!

No longer working at the bowling alley. Wrestling with the opportunity to get a job delivering pizza fir Domino's in Chippewa Falls or not. Starting a ccw training business isn't exactly cheap but, there is a need for ethical and responsible instructors out there. It's not just a right....there is a good measure of responsibility involved as well.

Dr. H is on vacation so, I don't know quite which way to tweak my health supplements. Considering CO-Q10, super B complex and cinnamon capsules. My metabolism is changing and more challenged.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Facebook, Freedom, Responsibility & Exercise

With the many continual changes to Facebook and the recent announcement of timeline....I decided to switch back to this. I did explore other social media networks as well. I also intend to use Skype and learn to use Twitter better!
With accepting new responsibilities in addition to existing ones I don't want to have to fiddle with timeline. I'm reminded of scripture that says "To whom much is given, much is expected." Luke 12:48.

The last couple winters I've struggled with tiredness. This year was the worst! I have a renewed commitment to maintaining my health freedom. Although I am not able to bike currently due to my back....there are many other forms of exercise I can pursue. I've begun to take supplemental 4000 units of D3 and an Iron tablet. It has made quite a difference in my energy level and alertness. I didn't know iron plays a role in carrying oxygen in the blood stream!
