The Top10 Things You Should Do If You Test Positive For Alpha1

  • Have A List Of Questions When You See a Doctor About Your Alpha1(If you try to remember the questions you want to ask you may forget half of them)
  • Learn To Breathe Effectively
  • Limit Or Eliminate Your Alcohol Consumption
  • Don't Be Afraid To Be Proactive About Your Alpha1
  • Get Plenty Of Rest(You will likely have a higher oxygenation level)
  • Avoid Sick People(You have a lower immune system than most people)
  • Drink Plenty Of Water
  • Eat Healthy/Avoid Processed Food(Carbonated beverages)
  • Start A Careful Exercise Program/Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program(Your muscles will become more efficient so they won't use as much oxygen and if you have surgery you will likely recover quicker as well)
  • Stop Smoking

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Power steering, Water heaters and Enlightenment!

Shoot out the door to start my truck. Start my truck only to hear an odd clunk, clunk as the engine purrs right along. Pop the hood, get out of truck see oil of some kind on snow below. Dash back into cab turn truck off. Hope I can (drat) use some vacation so I can maintain perfect attendance at work. LUCK OUT!!! There went the power steering unit....but, any expense still beat brand new sticker shock 2.5 yrs ago.

Well, turned on the hot water in the kithen Sunday afternoon and no hot water. Being the genius I am....I went down to light the pilot and I discover it is more fancy(safer) than my Moms gas water heater was. Spent several minutes unsuccessfully to start the pilot light. "rots of ruck"(as my father once said to me)....called the plumbing & heating guy. Lucky enough to have no after hours charge but, foundout two things. One if I would have been....surprise surprise....more patient....I likely would not have inccured any charge....and secondly if I would have had green back would have been even less!!

Met with the gentleman from SCORE Monday morning while my car was in the shop. I asked him why he participated in SCORE and also made the remark I thought the NAFTA agreement brought on some of our unemployment rate(ever the inquisitive one I am). He enlightented me on both, One he did it to give back(SCORE) and he had run a biz in Bangcok. He said it just was too expensive to produce in US but, did still contribute to things being lower cost for americans and american jobs.

I am on chapter 6 in Failing Forward. He explained Peachtree vs. Quickbooks is like comparing Ford to GM. Under normal conditions I would choose GM but, since my observation of GM lately is they are a sunk ship due big talk from union reps and poor management due to GM CEO being over paid for underpeformance. I guess I'll choose Quickbooks(Ford).

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