The Top10 Things You Should Do If You Test Positive For Alpha1

  • Have A List Of Questions When You See a Doctor About Your Alpha1(If you try to remember the questions you want to ask you may forget half of them)
  • Learn To Breathe Effectively
  • Limit Or Eliminate Your Alcohol Consumption
  • Don't Be Afraid To Be Proactive About Your Alpha1
  • Get Plenty Of Rest(You will likely have a higher oxygenation level)
  • Avoid Sick People(You have a lower immune system than most people)
  • Drink Plenty Of Water
  • Eat Healthy/Avoid Processed Food(Carbonated beverages)
  • Start A Careful Exercise Program/Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program(Your muscles will become more efficient so they won't use as much oxygen and if you have surgery you will likely recover quicker as well)
  • Stop Smoking

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Closing a Chapter With a Fresh Perspective

Well, the disaster response training was not as in depth as I expected but, it was highly elightening. There are ISO classes through FEMA or Homeland Security one can complete online that take a couple hours. Realistically most churches in the upper midwest are likely unprepared to serve in the event of a disaster as well as they could. There are also CERT classes one can take as well.

Although, I got next to no sleep that night I managed to get on the road by 3:30am. I arrived early to Evansville. We got my tractor loaded w/o a hitch. There was such a peace for me knowing all my tractors are in one place and out of the weather. It WAS the sweetest feeling!

I didn't get to Denny's to get the books but, he returned my phone calls & they are being shipped to me this week. Mr.Morgan showed up early. Inspite of some other snafust we made it on time & headway with the attorney over the trust. Some suggest that I am like a surrogate Mom to my nephew(not because his Mom is a bad Mother...I think it has more to do with he & I click better). Warning to all you parents(surrogate parents as well) out there....You think the teens are bad...WAIT TILL they hit their 20's!! Things will improve over time I simply need to be patient.

After I had dinner with Morgan I stopped in Evansville at the Night Owl. I wanted to see some of my old friends before I left. When I first walked in I was waiting to be served and there were a couple of regulars there and we were trying to decide who this one guy was. Was he Dale Holland??? We hadn't seen him in years there. I actually didn't see many who I expected to see but, who I saw was very unexpected. I saw a friend of mine's Dad(Dale) with his new wife and stopped to chat with them. He talked about how I wouldn't recognized Ty these days. He doesn't drink anymore(which is a very good thing). As we visited we tried to figureout when was the last time we had seen each other and he figured it had been at least 12yrs. The thing that struck me the most was not his response to my health but, his response to the fact I was no longer in business for myself.

You know sometimes a person forgets how much people believe or see in us!

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